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Showing posts from November, 2022

(26) I'm a little late...can you blame me? Magazine Content

  I'm not gonna lie guys, I don't have any jokes or sarcastic remarks for you today, don't be sad, I won't always have one up my sleeve. So instead here is a picture of Elon Musk. alt txt: Elon with his wife holding an official boring company flame thrower Circa 20XX Truly one of the more interesting male specimens. Moving on, let's talk about Magazine Content today! So what is Magazine Content? Well simply it's the content inside of a magazine, anyways that's it, you all can go home now...SIKE, if you know me then you know I love overthinking and looking deeper so AS SUCH we will talk about some key parts of magazine content i.e. articles, photographs, features, reviews, illustrations, ads, and columns. Now I know what your thinking..."That sounds like a lot of reading, I don't know about that". Well I agree, so I will split this up into two bite-sized blogs for you! Lets begin today with the first four! Articles: Magazine articles can be shor

(25) Just wait for me...Magazine Design

 GUYS, GUYS, I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE THINKING "oh my god this guy like hasn't been posting anything for a month" BUT, I'll have YOU know...It wouldn't be special if I did it that often, now would it?! By the way I hope you guys like cookies, because I'm about to start shoving them down your throat in the form of blogs. if you get what I mean, ahem cookie cutter type swag... Anyways I must admit I did miss you all, argh whose cutting onions over here!! Let's not get emotional, moving on...again, lets begin today by discussing magazine design So what are some magazine designs, well while there are many different types of magazine designs, today I will be discussing editorial design, print design, digital design, and advertising design.  Editorial Design: Editorial design is a crucial aspect of magazine design, as it involves the layout and presentation of the content within the magazine. This includes the arrangement of text and images, the selection and use

(24) I shouldn't be so selfish, Magazine Genres PART 2!!

  Mhm, it's nice to see you again. Alright take a seat my friend, let me share with you the gift of knowledge once more. Today we are going to discuss the remaining 7 sub-categories or GENRES of consumer magazines, I did promise you after all, so lets begin, Here are the remaining 7 genres we will go over today; 8. Business Magazines 9. Travel Magazines 10. Cultural Magazines 11. Automotive Magazines 12. Pet Magazines 13. Sports Magazines 14. Entertainment Magazines Business Magazines; Business magazines simply provide business and entrepreneurial related information that provide readers with the latest technology, news, and trends that they could use to help their own businesses.  Travel Magazines; Travel magazines let their readers experience other parts of the world they may not have previously been to and show them imagery, guides, and recommendations of these locations. Cultural Magazines; Cultural magazines give readers the opportunity to introduce more art in their lives and

(23) I know you've been waiting, so here, Magazine Genres

  Hey guys, I don't really got anything funny to say today. So I guess we can just sit together in silence for a couple of hours... ... Oh wait!! We don't have to do that, I actually do have something up my sleeve that we can enjoy today. Here we go, so today I'll be discussing magazine genres, if you remember my last blog then you'd remember how I discussed what consumer magazines are and how they are 1 of the 3 main types of magazines. You'd also remember how I discussed it is comprised of about 14 sub-categories or genres. Well today I'm going to be discussing with you 7 of those genres, I'll save the other 7 for another blog, after all I don't want to over-stimulate your brain with such knowledge. Here are the 7 genres we will go over today; 1. News and General Interest Magazines 2. Cooking Magazines 3. Fashion Magazines 4. Art Magazines 5. Technology Magazines 6. Health Magazines 7. Children's Magazines News and General Interest Magazines; Simpl

(22) Hey I got something for you...Magazine Types

  Your back? I didn't think you'd be back to be honest, not quite sure what to do from here, didn't really plan to get this far...hmm, I mean since your already here I guess I can show you something new. Let me see here *looks through collection of hundreds of drafted blog ideas for the year*, ah here is a good one, lets go over Magazine Types!! So today I'll be discussing magazine types with you, lets begin!!! There are 3 main types of magazines that most other magazines fall under as sub-categories, today I'll discuss both in ONE blog, enjoy; CONSUMER MAGAZINES; Our first type of magazine is consumer magazines, the target audience for these types of magazines are the general public and have the widest readership of the 3 types. Some popular examples of this type of magazine are Vogue, Sports Illustrated, and Reader's Digest, most of which we've mentioned in previous blogs. They are commonly printed on glossy papers and as such are often referred to by peop

(21) Is it really a good morning?... House Styles PART 2!!!

  I think I'm losing it, I've looked everywhere, but I just can't find it...OH THERE YOU ARE!! Welcome...back, I wasn't looking for you, no...I was looking for my...uhm MY GLASSES!!..."where are MY glasses?" ahhh gotcha, anyways lets get back to discussing house styles, well we already discussed it, so lets look at some examples, Yes right away I think you guys can see the general theme and use of house styles in this magazine. It's pretty easy to spot. For one we can typically see an image of an individual in the cover, the magazine logo, in this case being XXL, and the use of large headings typically at the bottom left with a barcode at the bottom right. Lets go over some more analyzed and high quality examples, These are some very nicely analyzed examples and they easily searchable on the internet so credit to the google search "house style in magazine". Anyways we can see that the Vogue magazine is clearly very streamlined in it's product

(20) Hey, what if we like stopped being creative?...hmm good idea, House Styles

  Hey there friends...what? Your not my friend? That can be solved *gives you half eaten donut*, yeah we chill now. ANYWAYS, to all my dear readers, AHEM, yeah I mean you!! I wanted to discuss with you what is house styles with regards to magazines. I care for you all and would hate to waste your time so I'm going to make this short and sweet and divide this topic into two separate blogs, I will use one blog for to help you understand the subject of house styles in magazines and another blog to demonstrate this in terms of actual magazines so you can see house styles in how it is applied in terms of an industry setting i.e. official magazines. But before I begin let me give you a short list of useful resources to understand the concept of house styles before I simplify it to oblivion for you;

(19) Ah ship here we go again...Magazine History

  Hey what's good guys I'm back and I just wanted to throw another banger your way. Ight bruh so here we go, also I'm bouta go hard on these mag blogs so get ready gang. Nah just kidding guys you know I'd never talk that way haha. Anyways lets talk about the history of magazines so you can get a rudimentary understanding of them. But before we begin I wanted to share with you the resource from which I derived my knowledge, I share this information with you because today I will simply give you a synopsis of what I have understood from this source, but if you wish you may look into it more for your own learning and self-development. Moving on, let us begin... Simply put magazines have been around since the 1600's, but didn't start becoming very popular until about the late 1800's. Since then magazines have developed into a wide range of categories, covering just about everything from sports, science, women's f

(18) Editing, numero dos

  Oh you're still here? Huh...hmm oh yeah, almost forgot... realmente tengo que trabajar otra vez... I mean WELCOME BACK GUYS!!! LETS GET STARTED ON ANOTHER BLOG, OH YEAH!!  Alright enough with that, lets get down to business, today I'm going to be covering the second half of the content I promised you on editing, so lets list these terms firstly. These terms are jump cut, crosscutting, parallel editing, cutaway, and insert, not as many as before, but still just as important, lets begin... Jump Cut: Jump cut is when two sequential shots of the same subject are taken from camera positions that vary only slightly if at all. This type of edit gives the effect of jumping forwards in time. It is a manipulation of temporal space using the duration of a single shot and fracturing the duration to move the audience ahead. This kind of cut abruptly communicates the passing of time.​ For example in the image above you see the kid looking forward, but then immediately in the next shot he i