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(24) I shouldn't be so selfish, Magazine Genres PART 2!!


Mhm, it's nice to see you again. Alright take a seat my friend, let me share with you the gift of knowledge once more. Today we are going to discuss the remaining 7 sub-categories or GENRES of consumer magazines, I did promise you after all, so lets begin,

Here are the remaining 7 genres we will go over today;
8. Business Magazines
9. Travel Magazines
10. Cultural Magazines
11. Automotive Magazines
12. Pet Magazines
13. Sports Magazines
14. Entertainment Magazines

Business Magazines;

Business magazines simply provide business and entrepreneurial related information that provide readers with the latest technology, news, and trends that they could use to help their own businesses. 

Travel Magazines;

Travel magazines let their readers experience other parts of the world they may not have previously been to and show them imagery, guides, and recommendations of these locations.

Cultural Magazines;

Cultural magazines give readers the opportunity to introduce more art in their lives and see rising talent. Making for an effective way to expose readers to differing cultures.

Automotive Magazines;

Automotive magazines provide readers with all thing car and vehicle related and provide readers in this demographic all the latest news on everything automotive.

Pet Magazines;

Pet magazines are useful for readers wanting to know more about how to take care of their pets and keep them healthy, as well as hearing stories about other pet owners from around the world.

Sports Magazines;

Sports magazine target readers with an interest to a particular sport, they may target a different sport like golf, basketball, or football to name a few, but they all cover a sport and give all the latest information about that sport to the magazine reader.

Entertainment Magazines;

Entertainment magazines serve a source of information for news features and the latest information pertaining to show business and the entertainment industry as a whole. Well now, It seems we've just finished covering all of the 14 most popular genres of magazines, did you learn something? As always I enjoyed our time together and hope you found this interesting, who would've thought there were so many different genres, just more for me to think about when I make my official magazine product for my Aice Media course. Get ready for next time when we dive into more magazine research!!

Thanks for Reading!! 

*Title Picture made using Canva
*Pictures generously sourced from free online materials (seriously)

*Magazine Information,their%20audience%20has%20migrated%20online.


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