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(23) I know you've been waiting, so here, Magazine Genres


Hey guys, I don't really got anything funny to say today. So I guess we can just sit together in silence for a couple of hours...
Oh wait!! We don't have to do that, I actually do have something up my sleeve that we can enjoy today. Here we go, so today I'll be discussing magazine genres, if you remember my last blog then you'd remember how I discussed what consumer magazines are and how they are 1 of the 3 main types of magazines. You'd also remember how I discussed it is comprised of about 14 sub-categories or genres. Well today I'm going to be discussing with you 7 of those genres, I'll save the other 7 for another blog, after all I don't want to over-stimulate your brain with such knowledge.

Here are the 7 genres we will go over today;
1. News and General Interest Magazines
2. Cooking Magazines
3. Fashion Magazines
4. Art Magazines
5. Technology Magazines
6. Health Magazines
7. Children's Magazines

News and General Interest Magazines;

Simply put news and interest magazines cover topics and news items that certain demographics would be interested in.

Cooking Magazines;

Cooking magazines provide readers with cooking recipes and cooking related information.

Fashion Magazines;

Fashion magazines are meant to show you beautiful people wearing beautiful clothes and show some interesting fashion and clothing, this type of magazine is iconic.

Art Magazines;

Art magazines are meant to show readers interesting and appealing art as well as give them the latest information and trends in the art world.

Technology Magazines;

Tech magazines are meant to serve as a popular resource for their target demographic and are often quite niche in this regard, but they provide valuable information on the related subject to their demographic.

Health Magazines;

Health magazines generally provide readers with inspiring fitness content, workout guides, dietary plans, and all the tips to live a happier and healthier life they could ask for.

Children's Magazines;

Children's magazines are meant for, well, children. This type of magazine provides stimulating and engaging content for young readers to enjoy, a nice change from the eye straining screens we are so fond of. Now we've officially covered 7 of the most popular magazine genres, I hope this was as interesting to you as it was for me, we will cover the remaining 7 genres in a later blog, I hope you look forward to it, until then,

Thanks for Reading!! 

*Title Picture made using Canva
*Pictures generously sourced from free online materials (seriously)

*Magazine Information,their%20audience%20has%20migrated%20online.


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