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Showing posts from September, 2022

(10) Mise-en-scene PART 2

  Hey guys welcome back to my blog Lets get back to learning Mise-en-scene, this time it's PART 2, so let's finish the rest and get you on track to being an expert! Costume: Costumes are the clothing the actor(s) wear during the scene. For the costumes to be of use, the costume designers have to know which colors will look best on the actor playing the part and the color palette of the production design. Make-up: Hair and make-up are the physical aspects that help the actor transform into their characters. This can be done using, prosthetics, blood, paint, aging techniques, etc. Properties: Properties are objects used in stage play. As we know them props can be any object that gives scenery, actors, or performance space specific period, place, or character. Lighting: Lighting is the tool that helps convey the mood. There are a couple different types of lighting such as high key lighting, low key lighting, and basic lighting. Depending on the lighting used, you can tell the audi

(9) Let's talk...Mise-en-scene

Hey today we're gonna learn about...MISE-EN-SCENE!! But what is Mise-en-scene? Simply put Mise-en-scene is literally "placing on stage" in French; all the elements that appear on camera and their arrangement. So everything from the makeup that goes into a scene to how the scene is setup. Alrighty so let me get into each of the features for you to give you a better understanding of everything that Mise-en-scene encompasses. Production design: Production designers are the people responsible for the visual concepts of a film, such as television or theater production. They work closely with the director and producer while they design a style for the elements incorporated in a film. Location: The location of a film sets the mood and supports the action. For example, in a abandoned McDonalds the location would give you suspicion and a horror mood. Studio: A film studio is either a entertainment company or a motion picture company. These companies have their own privately studio

(8) Camera Composition, PART 2 baby!!

  Hey guys (and any girls 👀) I'm back...I forgot my phone, JUST KIDDING, ah, good times, no but seriously "I got your nose!", nah just kidding, today I am going to be talking about the latter half of camera composition and that is Depth of Field and it's 3 components, so let's begin with first of them, the- Deep Focus Shot The deep focus shot includes the foreground, middle-ground, and extreme-background objects, all in focus. The deep focus shot keeps both objects, or characters, close-up and far away from the camera in focus. So, you can pretty much think of this shot as a completely focused shot. It also guides the viewers’ attention to something specific in the shot and is mainly used in close-up shots, so that your shots look better and more professional as seen in the free internet picture above.​ ​Moving on the next depth of field shot after deep-focus would be the- Shallow Focus Shot The shallow focus shot is a technique that includes a small depth of fi

(7) Camera Composition, check it out!

  Hey guys we chilling, today we are doing a new blog Today for media studies I'm gonna be showing you something cool, camera composition and the different types of camera composition used in media. So, lets begin with framing As with any rule of composition it's purpose is to draw the eye to your photograph. As such framing is using elements like objects within the scene/environment to create a frame within your frame. For example within this free internet picture this cat is within this doorway which acts as a frame within the frame of your photo. Essentially it is can be anything that acts as a frame for your object. Like branches, walls, curtains, and general view barriers/obstructions. Next off for you I have the rule of thirds The rule of thirds is one were you mentally divide your image using 2 horizontal lines and 2 vertical lines, as seen above in the (say it with me) FREE INTERNET PICTURE lol. You then position the important elements of your scene along those lines,

(6) I can't resist, BONUS ANGLE TIME!!

I admit it, I had more shots, and I wanted to show these last couple shots to you all so consider it, BONUS ANGLE & SHOT TIME!! So, here you are, check it out 😁 I have for you the Long-shot This shot shows the subject from head to toe which puts the character as more of a focus, it's used to set a scene and the character's place in it. Very similarly to the Long-shot is the Wide-shot It is essentially the same as the Long-shot with a greater horizontal plane of action, besides that it has the same effect as the Long-shot, that is to set a scene and the character's place in it. Now, for the final bonus shot I have for you....its the... THE EXTREME CLOSE UP SHOT!! AHHHH... Yes I teased this in the close-up shot from last time, but the extreme close-up has basically the same effect which is to emphasize a small area or detail of the subject, such as the eyes, or mouth, or any other facial feature. *LOOK INTO MY EYES*, you see why I saved this treasure. Obviously the only

(5) Check this out! More camera angles, yes!

I knew you'd want some more  😉 and I've got you covered!! Today I wanted to demonstrate to you some more camera angles and shots!! The first camera angle is the establishing shot This shot is used to establish the location and environment of a scene and can also set the mood while giving the audience visual clues of the day, time, and general situation. For example in the establishing shot you can tell it's within a school. Another angle similar to the establishing shot is the master shot This shot is meant to focus not as much on the location, but more on all the subjects in the scene, smaller shots can be interwoven into the master shot. Moving on,  I have the close-up up shot This shot is taken very close to the subject and has the subject fill most of the frame, the purpose is to emphasize the subject or a small feature of theirs. For example in the photo it appears like he's thinking and you can deduce this by his facial expressions. Any closer and this would

(4) Wanna see something angles

Guys & Gals !!!, I wanted to show you all something cool... I've been learning some awesome stuff lately in terms of camera angles and I just thought you'd all be interested in taking a peep. So lets start The first angle I want to demonstrate is the High Angle , a camera shot that looks down on the subject The purpose of the high angle is to make the subject look powerless and vulnerable, for example in this picture the subject is looking up at the camera as if it is a bigger entity looking down on him, this shot also makes the subject appear smaller and in effect more powerless. The second angle I have for you is the Low Angle , a camera shot that looks up at the subject The purpose of the low angle in contrast to the high angle is to make the subject appear strong and powerful, yep I sure do feel scared here, your buying that right? The third angle I've got is the Canted Angle , this is an angle that's well, angled of course, or you can say tilted, here take

(3) Who am I, what am I like?

  So  👉 👈 , I wanted to share a little bit about myself. Well you already know my name at least, Pablo, so you might as well have a face to associate it with This is a photo of me in class. ^^ As a student I can be either one of two ways, completely obedient and forcibly engaged, or uninterested. Usually the better one though. I am taking this class as it is a class that will bring me one step closer to getting an Aice diploma which I guess means free college. Essay Response, get ready to read!! haha As far as future plans go, I see college as a back up plan. My real plan is to improve my coding and computer science abilities exponentially and use raw skill to penetrate the industry which is also known as being self-taught and I have met many developers, junior and senior who have entered the field like this. I find it very impressive and as far as computer science goes in college, it is more based on theoretical components which aren't used within the industry for a wide margin 

(2) A syllabus and class reflection

  Hey, If you read the last blog, you know this is for a course on media so I'm going to be discussing the class and how I feel about it simply. Positives I am looking forward to this course on media as I find the subject to be engaging, I mean who doesn't enjoy making creative content, I love it. Another reason would be just the freedom to be creative and work with social technology. Besides that I love making entertaining and engaging content for people, it's very enjoyable seeing people laugh or smile because of an edit, video, or work I've done. Less Positives Although that isn't to say I expect it to be completely enjoyable or cozy. I'm a little nervous about having to be in groups with people and collaborate I don't enjoy the stress of having people potentially rely on me. The possibility of having to edit videos or images also makes me nervous, I've done it before and I know what a tedious and arduous thing it can, so I hope it isn't as compl

(1) Hey guys we chilling "Welcome to my Blog"

  Hey guys welcome to my first blog, my name is Pablo, I'm going to be doing an information blog on tech and I'll be making lots of media for this, mostly online, like videos, pictures, graphs and presenting some interesting articles and studies when I find them. So come on in and join me!! So this is gonna be a very interesting blog for the most part and some skills I have that will make it even better is my knowledge of tech, I know a lot about computer science so I know where to look for interesting information that I'm sure most of you will appreciate to an extent of course. School is cool, sike Another thing is this blog here is also a media project of mine for school, so I will also be using it to learn and improve my skills in the subject of social media, blogs, and other social commentary. The greater objective here would be for me to learn as many forms of media and information sharing as possible while also having it be engaging and informative.  In terms of a ti