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(3) Who am I, what am I like?


So ðŸ‘‰ðŸ‘ˆ, I wanted to share a little bit about myself.

Well you already know my name at least, Pablo, so you might as well have a face to associate it with

This is a photo of me in class. ^^

As a student I can be either one of two ways, completely obedient and forcibly engaged, or uninterested. Usually the better one though.

I am taking this class as it is a class that will bring me one step closer to getting an Aice diploma which I guess means free college.
Essay Response, get ready to read!! haha
As far as future plans go, I see college as a back up plan. My real plan is to improve my coding and computer science abilities exponentially and use raw skill to penetrate the industry which is also known as being self-taught and I have met many developers, junior and senior who have entered the field like this. I find it very impressive and as far as computer science goes in college, it is more based on theoretical components which aren't used within the industry for a wide margin  as such I often times don't see a real value in going to college for 4 years learning complex calculus, theories, and old programming skills that aren't relevant to the industry standards, I'm not saying that would be it completely, I'd say half would be relevant and the other half irrelevant, but that's still 2 years, I value my time extremely, and I'm not keen on giving up 4 years so easily like others. So in my plan if I'm able to develop a mastery and high level understanding of code and software engineering before the school year ends and get a job than I don't see college as being beneficial at all. But I don't like having just one plan, so thus the reason for me taking this class and pursuing the Aice diploma. Because it offers a back up plan for me. If I don't get it then I won't be going to college out of my own decision. I could teach myself far more in 4 years than a college degree in computer science ever could. It's not being cocky it's being truthful. The average self taught developer learns and gets a job within 6 months to 2 years (at most). So you can imagine how easy it would be with 4 years. Extremely easy, the competition would be irrelevant if I had that much time to study myself. As for hobbies you can guess: coding, software, and data science. I've been enjoying Udemy courses and courses offered by M.I.T. and Harvard and they are both challenging enough that I can enjoy them. But looking aside that, I exercise from time to time and enjoy interacting with other people and joking with them. Some people see me as a stupid arrogant clown with an ego, to those people I say enjoy throwing stones in my direction while you can. Perhaps I've given too much information, anyways.
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Thanks for reading!

Images taken from some guy in glasses, wait...


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