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(10) Mise-en-scene PART 2


Hey guys welcome back to my blog

Lets get back to learning Mise-en-scene, this time it's PART 2, so let's finish the rest and get you on track to being an expert!


Costumes are the clothing the actor(s) wear during the scene. For the costumes to be of use, the costume designers have to know which colors will look best on the actor playing the part and the color palette of the production design.


Hair and make-up are the physical aspects that help the actor transform into their characters. This can be done using, prosthetics, blood, paint, aging techniques, etc.


Properties are objects used in stage play. As we know them props can be any object that gives scenery, actors, or performance space specific period, place, or character.


Lighting is the tool that helps convey the mood. There are a couple different types of lighting such as high key lighting, low key lighting, and basic lighting. Depending on the lighting used, you can tell the audience where to focus their attention at.

High-key lighting:

This type of light keep the lighting bright and balanced in the frame and it creates little to no shadow.

Basic lighting:

This lighting in film uses the three point lighting setup. The lighting comes from three directions and shapes the subject apart from the background.

Low-key lighting:

This lighting is usually used to create some type of suspense and is almost always used in horror movies. This lighting is shadowy and there is little to no light.

Color design:

This is the ability to use color to create harmony or tension within a scene. All color pallets or colors are used to make a sense of time or mood in the scene and helps to bring attention to a scene.

Well guys that the end of it, I hope you enjoyed and learned something cool, because that's what I'm here for, I love you guys, come here *slaps you* sike. Anyways

Thanks for Reading!


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