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Showing posts from February, 2023

(62) No way! I don't believe it!- FINAL Magazine Product

  It is complete...THE ULTIMATE MAGAZINE!!! My final media product! Today you'll see my finalized cover page, table of contents, and double page spread with the finalized feature story included! All in one blog!! Behold the work of a master- EDIT- After a suggestion from a classmate, here is the NEW & IMPROVED MAGAZINE AHHHHHH Wow guys this LIKE TOTALLY goes so hard (For those at the back of the room, this has all been satire) With that final thought, thanks for reading!

(61) Unprecedented- FINAL Double Page Spread

  Good morning guys! Welcome to another blog, as promised I have for you my finalized double page spread! This one took a bit of time to get a design that I liked, but I finally got one nailed, here check it out! Now keep in mind this is two pages your viewing, so if your trying to read the smaller text it would be a little difficult, but anyways this took a while to get right- obviously working with a long feature story was a little tricky, but I managed to get a visually appeasing way of putting it in there. This was easily one of the more complex designs, but it looks great nonetheless, and the text from a magazine standpoint is normal, it's not too small or too large. I've also color coded a lot of parts to make the text pop more, thus the reason for the images being black and white, so they don't distract the reader from the text. Since people base what they read off of size, contrast, location, and numbers among other things I found this was the best way to design my

(60) Not in a million years- FINAL Table of Contents

  Well I sure am happy to see you! Welcome back guys today I have for you my finalized table of contents, I went through a lot redesigning, but ultimately I found this to be my best and most effective design at a table of content. Check it out, this is some of my best work right here! This finalized version of my table of contents fixes all the problems with the original, this one is simpler and much more effective in serving it's purpose as a table of content while still holding the style of my men's fashion magazine. Also if your wondering why am I so good at designing these, well just know I have a decent amount of web design experience and knowledge that gives me overall strong design skills! At least compared to most people, anyways I hope you enjoyed this blog, if you don't think this is an improvement over the original then your crazy! Anyways for my next blog I'll be presenting you with my finalized double page spread, this time with the feature story included,

(59) He's staring...MENACINGLY- FINAL Cover Page

Hey guys welcome back, today I have for you- the finalized version of my magazine page cover, check it out! And what I've done in this version is simply fix everything I had an issue with or thought might present a problem. As such there is no more amongus and I've added more text to give it some more content. I really love the color scheme I have going, this was all well planned out and it turned out great! I even gave the magazine a name, "Menluv", the name was a combination of men and love. I thought it was a great name with good meaning and it works great for a men's fashion magazine so I went with it! This magazine cover page definitely has it all and has that cool aura and pop that I was looking for. In my next blog I'll present you my finalized table of contents, I'll try and make it as good as this! Look forward to it, I promise it will be attention grabbing and unique! As always- EDIT- After a classmate suggested I be a bit more realistic, here is

(58) That's crazy bro- FINAL Feature Story

  This is it, welcome back guys, today I have for you my revised feature story, the final version! My teacher reviewed my feature story draft and suggested some changes, so I'll show you that first-    My teacher suggested I delete the part were I say this is a feature story, because it should be obvious and in hindsight it is, so I'm grateful she pointed that out, it makes it more professional! I didn't notice it before, but I was also repeating some information, she pointed it out and I corrected it promptly! Finally she suggested I delete some of these sentence starters I use at the start of each of my paragraphs, and I think it's a great idea as it helps with the continuity of the entire feature story instead of making it feel like multiple small segmented parts, overall I'm very grateful for her advice as I believe it has drastically improved my feature story from were it was as a draft! Now enough suspense, here is the finalized version of my feature story! -F

(57) He will try- Double Page Spread Draft

  Welcome, welcome, WELCOME!! Oh boy do I got a surprise for you! As promised I have made a draft for my double page spread, not one, not two, but three. There were just so many ideas in my head that I had to show you some of them, here check it out! This was the first version, I thought it was pretty good, but I felt there were some flaws or design choices that could've made it better, so I did a little redesign just to see if it would look better, now let's see if it did- This is the second version looks awesome to me, I felt it addressed some of the problems with the first, and the color might fit in better with our overall magazine, but let's try these fixes on the black and white version- Honestly I think I like this version a lot more, it's just so unique and makes for an awesome double page spread, some more refinements will need to be done, but we have a good idea for our final version now. Also you may have noticed the feature story in the double page spread is

(56) Haha, look at him work- Table of Contents Draft

  Welcome back guys! Today I have for you a draft for my table of contents, I haven't really been too good at making them before, but this time I think I did a decent job, I wouldn't say it's as good as my cover page draft, but hey it's a draft! Anyways check it out! I think it looks great and fits nicely what the style I'm going for, formal and cool, I may or may not have edited some of the pictures from my photoshoot, but hey, I'm just being creative! As always I have used canva to put this together. I've also got a second version here, but I don't like it as much, take a look- Yeah the first one looks a lot better to me, but since these are drafts they are subject to change so I may change it later. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this blog, for my next one I'll be sharing with you a draft of my double page spread, and trust me that one will be great! I haven't run out of inspiration yet so let's keep the ball rolling! Until next time, thanks f

(55) A man can dream- Cover Page Draft

  Hey guys welcome back, today I have for you an awesome draft of my cover page, this is practice for when we do the real deal, frankly I think I outdid myself, check it out! Now me personally if I saw a magazine like this, well I'd pick it up in a heartbeat, it looks awesome!! Some things I might not be able to keep in would probably be the amongus there. Other than that everything is great and attention grabbing! I think the only thing I might change would maybe be to add more text, I've also just noticed some parts are unaligned, so let me fix that- Also this was made using the help of canva, the amongus was not done by me, but everything else was, this was great practice and now we should be more than prepared for the final version. But we'll do that later, next time I'll show you my table of contents, so get excited! Until then, thanks for reading!

(54) In a far away land- Feature Story Draft

  What's good guys!? Nothing? That's ok, because I'm gonna show you something that is good! So today I have for you a draft feature story based on our interview with Tyrone, check it out, just remember this is a draft so anything about it could change for our final version- -FEATURE STORY DRAFT- A PASSION FOR FASHION Men's fashion has been gaining popularity in recent years, as more men are starting to express themselves through their clothes and style choices. In this feature story, we'll be following Tyrone. Tyrone is a young man who has a passion for men's fashion and a dream to become a model. Tyrone's love for fashion started when he was a young boy. Growing up in a less than fortunate situation, he didn't have access to many nice clothes. So, when he finally had the opportunity to dress nicely, it made him feel good. He says, "I didn't grow up in the best situation, so to simply just be able to dress nice and look good while doing it has a

(53) Don't get too cocky now- Double Page Spread Layout

  I know you all call me Pablo, but call me Picasso today, alright so I've finished the layout drawing for my final double page spread, so you know the drill by now, so let's just check it out! Now for a double page spread we obviously want to make it appear as one thought expressed through 2 pages, so I feel that this design accomplishes that, multiple images of model 1 are also used to support the feature story and filler articles and this was planned as the feature story and article will be based mostly on model 1's interview, or Tyrone as we call him. The title will probably be called Men's Fashion, and the article headline will be specific as it will be in relation towards the feature story. I plan to use many expressive colors here and fill most empty space. I've also decided to put the page numbers in the middle and strategically put each image in their spot as it makes it simpler and easier for readers to read and focus on the information we are expressing t

(52) Your pretty good at this! Table of Contents Layout

  Welcome back guys today I have for you the layout for the final table of contents, again this is so I can get an idea of how I want it, so like last time- I'll show you and then explain my thought process with you all- Alrighty so this is a simple one, why you may ask- well because I think a table of contents should be simple since it's sole purpose is to guide you while still keeping the style of the magazine throughout. As such I've taken the liberty of putting 3 model images from my 2nd model, this will make effective use of empty space. Also I've decided on leaving some empty space where the actual table of contents is because space is classy, I mean just think about it, when the space around you is empty it adds more emphasis to you, so let's take advantage of that. I've also structured the page based on where the reader is most likely to move their eyes and read so it makes it more efficient. Anyways that's about all for today, later I am going to do

(51) You can draw right? Of course!! Cover Page Layout

  Hey guys so I've made a layout for our final cover page so I can get an idea of how I want it, so here go, I'll show you and then explain my thought process with you all- In terms of font size- I plan to have the hierarchy be like this -Largest- Title Sub Heading 1 Sub Heading 2 Sub Heading 2 Sub Text Squiggly Line (Regular Text) Issue - Date - Price -Smallest- I also plan to have 1 main image of our 1st model and barcode, as for the rest of the white space I would fill it with some abstract colors and maybe an image background if I'm feeling creative, but likely not as I feel it would distract, I'll look for a modern serif font for some of the larger pieces of text and use more simply and formal fonts for body text as it will be easier to read, the other small details will be easy as well.  Anyways that's all for today guys, later I'll review the table of contents layout and then the double page spread layout. Until then, thanks for reading!

(50) The real deal, really?! Feature Story Interview

  Hey guys welcome to another blog, so after the photoshoots I conducted an interview with Tyrone for our feature story, he gave my great answers to my questions. The questions I had for him were more specific as they were meant for him and I gave him some about men's fashion since he is a man and happens to also like fashion in some sense. So let's get into the responses- -Start- Q 1. Alright Tyrone what's good bro, so what do you know about men's fashion? A. I actually know a lot, I like to post my drip on social media, and if I'm being honest I wanna try to be a model some time in the future Q 2.  That's cool, so what do you do on a more day to day basis? A. Man I'm hustling out here, I sell clothes online, work at an airport, and I exercise just about every other day, bring them girls back home you know, haha Q 3. So Tyrone, how would you describe yourself as a person? A. You see a lot of ***** out here are blessed, but me man, nah, I had work harder tha

(49) Your a star baby!! Model 2 Photoshoot

  WE CHILLING!? HUH, just kidding, welcome back guys, I think it's time for another banger of a photoshoot, this time it will be of our second model whom we will refer to as Demarcus. Let's not waste any more time, check out these pictures we did- Our photo shoots were done over a couple of days and he sent me a good bit of photos too to help save time, obviously this is about Men's Fashion so getting good photos takes a little longer, but it was clearly worth it, also on a side note I've decided we will be interviewing Tyrone for our actual feature story, so look forward to that! I hope you enjoyed our second model's photoshoot. Until next time, thanks for reading!

(48) I'm a 10/10...sure whatever, Model 1 Photoshoot

  Hey guys it's me Pablo, we back at it again, so I took some photos of our first model, Tyrone as we will refer to him, and he also took some photos on his own that he shared with me, we took a bunch and ultimately decided these are the best, check it out- Here are some of the photos we took together- These photos he took himself, bro took the initiative, shoutout to him- Well guys there you have it, me and Tyrone really got the job done on this one, some pretty good photos and I think they'll work excellently on a Men's Fashion magazine, maybe not the last two, but hey it's good to have options. I might edit some of them to make them more fitting for the magazine. Anyways we'll have the pictures for our next model soon! Until then, thanks for reading!