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(66) Truth is, the game was rigged from the start...Creative Critical Reflection #4

--Dawn of the final day-- Welcome to my final EPIC blog guys! Wooo-wooo, no need to be sad. Just as Spring comes after Winter, you may take comfort in knowing the end of something is the beginning of another. Anyways today I'll be answering the final question for my creative critical reflection, so let's begin! How did you integrate technologies - software, hardware and online - in this project? I used technology almost completely to make this project possible, apart from layouts I designed in person. I used just about every tool in my arsenal to get this project done, from various software technologies to basic hardware. I wouldn't have been able to complete this project without the use of technology that allowed me to communicate my ideas, create my ideas, share them, and learn the crucial information necessary to complete this project. I made constant use of software as this project was heavily involved in design. I used tools like Canva to put together designs and to ha
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(65) Sounds like a skill issue...Creative Critical Reflection #3

  --Dawn of the second day-- Oh your all still here? AWESOME, alright guys, today I'll be answering yet another question for my creative critical reflection, alright let's get right into it! How did your production skills develop throughout this project? I believe my production skills have slightly increased, in terms of magazine design it has of course increased quite a bit! But overall, my improvement has been little, this is not to say I didn't learn anything, this is to say I already knew so much prior to starting that there wasn't much more new content to learn in terms of design. At the beginning of this course we were going to use canva for design of our cover page, table of contents, and double page spread. Prior to the course I had been frequently using canva and other design software for personal use. I had also known an extensive amount of information on design in my personal learning of front-end software development, in my personal endeavors I had learned a

(64) It's a long story...Creative Critical Reflection #2

  --Dawn of the first day-- Hey guys welcome back to another blog, today we are going to be answering another question for my creative critical reflection. How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text? My magazine product targets men of course as it's a men's fashion magazine and it's made for men of all ages and backgrounds. I've made the magazine eye catching with flashy colors and intriguing cover lines. I've done this because it appeals to viewers easier and makes it easier to retain their attention while conveying my points across. The color scheme is mostly red and blue and I chose this specifically since red is a more energetic color and it calls for more attention and blue makes a good contrast to that which helps add emphasis in that design context. Since this is a magazine for all ages I did make use of some informalities and jokes such as calling the magazine the "Drip Edition" and adding cover

(63) But wait...there's more!! Creative Critical Reflection #1

  The end is nigh. Welcome back guys, well now that we've finished our magazine, let's reflect on this journey! So this is one of four critical reflections that I will be doing! Within each of these I will be answering and reflecting on a question about our magazine. So for today, How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?     Well to answer the first part of this question, let me put it simply, my magazine consists of all the basic conventions of a magazine. It includes a masthead, a main image, cover lines, a date line, a barcode, and a price. Throughout the production process of this magazine I was inspired by many different magazines like Men's Journal and Playboy Magazine. In the cover page, the first thing you notice is my masthead. The masthead is the title of a magazine located at the top of the cover page. I used font hierarchy to determine what I wanted the viewer to see first. I called the magazine Menluv

(62) No way! I don't believe it!- FINAL Magazine Product

  It is complete...THE ULTIMATE MAGAZINE!!! My final media product! Today you'll see my finalized cover page, table of contents, and double page spread with the finalized feature story included! All in one blog!! Behold the work of a master- EDIT- After a suggestion from a classmate, here is the NEW & IMPROVED MAGAZINE AHHHHHH Wow guys this LIKE TOTALLY goes so hard (For those at the back of the room, this has all been satire) With that final thought, thanks for reading!

(61) Unprecedented- FINAL Double Page Spread

  Good morning guys! Welcome to another blog, as promised I have for you my finalized double page spread! This one took a bit of time to get a design that I liked, but I finally got one nailed, here check it out! Now keep in mind this is two pages your viewing, so if your trying to read the smaller text it would be a little difficult, but anyways this took a while to get right- obviously working with a long feature story was a little tricky, but I managed to get a visually appeasing way of putting it in there. This was easily one of the more complex designs, but it looks great nonetheless, and the text from a magazine standpoint is normal, it's not too small or too large. I've also color coded a lot of parts to make the text pop more, thus the reason for the images being black and white, so they don't distract the reader from the text. Since people base what they read off of size, contrast, location, and numbers among other things I found this was the best way to design my

(60) Not in a million years- FINAL Table of Contents

  Well I sure am happy to see you! Welcome back guys today I have for you my finalized table of contents, I went through a lot redesigning, but ultimately I found this to be my best and most effective design at a table of content. Check it out, this is some of my best work right here! This finalized version of my table of contents fixes all the problems with the original, this one is simpler and much more effective in serving it's purpose as a table of content while still holding the style of my men's fashion magazine. Also if your wondering why am I so good at designing these, well just know I have a decent amount of web design experience and knowledge that gives me overall strong design skills! At least compared to most people, anyways I hope you enjoyed this blog, if you don't think this is an improvement over the original then your crazy! Anyways for my next blog I'll be presenting you with my finalized double page spread, this time with the feature story included,