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(65) Sounds like a skill issue...Creative Critical Reflection #3


--Dawn of the second day--
Oh your all still here? AWESOME, alright guys, today I'll be answering yet another question for my creative critical reflection, alright let's get right into it!

How did your production skills develop throughout this project?

I believe my production skills have slightly increased, in terms of magazine design it has of course increased quite a bit! But overall, my improvement has been little, this is not to say I didn't learn anything, this is to say I already knew so much prior to starting that there wasn't much more new content to learn in terms of design.

At the beginning of this course we were going to use canva for design of our cover page, table of contents, and double page spread. Prior to the course I had been frequently using canva and other design software for personal use. I had also known an extensive amount of information on design in my personal learning of front-end software development, in my personal endeavors I had learned about color schemes, color significance, typography, page design, contrast, fonts and their size, and how to make visually friendly designs based on natural eye movements from readers.

Despite this advantage of sorts I had only been making designs for websites, I had never made a design for a magazine, much less the parts that go into it. As such my preliminary tasks were, in my opinion, aesthetically displeasing and poorly done when compared to my final product. However after these preliminary tasks I had a more solid idea of how the process worked and the best options to take when making these magazine components.

When going back to my preliminary cover page I can recall I was trying to make the magazine with a theme of programming, I accomplished this and the cover page looked decent. However I felt it was really boring to look at and wouldn't be very captivating to audiences. I also felt the color scheme would be hard to keep consistent throughout the magazine without looking boring. I'd also forgot to add a price and issue date for my preliminary cover page. In my final cover page I fixed all these problems and made it look clean, engaging, and complete!

Unlike my preliminary cover page which I said was decent, my preliminary table of contents was horrible. Because of how I designed my preliminary cover page and my lack of experience making a decent table of contents, I found that I had absolutely no idea how I would make my preliminary table of contents look good. As such it turned out horrible, I was limited by my lack of creative images relating to the programming theme I had for the preliminary magazine. Thankfully I had much more visual content and experience when I was making my final table of contents, and it came out significantly better than my preliminary version.

Last but not least is my preliminary double page spread, let me just say it was awful. Truly going with a programming theme for my preliminary magazine was a major handicap, and it showed here. Despite my extensive design skills I couldn't save a bad theme that was hard to get original content for. But I learned my lesson and settled on men's fashion with the final magazine, which allowed my final double page spread to be one of my best designs! Again, my design skills were already good prior to this course, I just lacked experience in creating a magazine and the original components involved in doing so. But through the preliminary tasks I gained the experience and knowledge to make a good magazine, which I applied in creating a significantly better final magazine product. Overall my production skills have slightly if not moderately increased throughout the course of this project. But as you know when increasing any skill beyond 90%, the progress will always be minimal, yet significant nonetheless.

Link to Prezi Presentation:

Anyways that's all for today, as always-
Thanks for Reading!


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