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Showing posts from December, 2022

(32) You got big shoes to fill young man...Production

  Hey guys so I've started working on the magazine and it's looking pretty epic, just kidding we aren't there yet, but me and the team have been doing some more research on magazines and it's going pretty well, in fact we've decided to conduct a survey to determine what people would want to see in our magazine. We'll go over the results when they arrive and any ideas we come up with. Until then we'll keep you posted on future updates! Thanks for reading!

(31) My friends, we need to have a discussion...Demographics...

Hey guys I'm back after years of exile, anyways I've realized after being gone for so long that you guys deserve better than me, I'm officially passing the torch and giving up...SIKE, alright guys lets get back to another banger blog. Today I wanted to talk about the demographics I'm going to be targeting for my magazine, also my magazine will be more male related, so as such I wanted to know what demographic this will appeal to and who I will basically be targeting. Now there are many demographics out there, but since this is a masculine type magazine I have decided who we will be targeting well you guessed it, MEN OF COURSE. Anyways that's all for today, we will be discussing more about my magazine later, but until then. Have a nice day guys! *Images generously taken from free online sources*

(30) It's not about the GRA...anatomy of page DEsign part 2!!!

  *Dying* argh...totally worth...the joke...*dies* If you can appreciate that statement for it's depth then you have great perception. I hope these aren't all flying over your head, anyways let's get back MEAN FUN LEARNING!! You believing that right? You said no? Good, I don't wanna pretend, let's get straight to it, today I will be covering the remaining terms I see as critical to understand when discussing the anatomy of page design. So to recap I will be discussing body text, images, and graphics today. Let us begin! Body Text: The body text is basically the main text content of an article or feature within a magazine. This text is typically set in a readable font and size, and is positioned in a way that allows the reader to easily scan and read through the content.  The body text is an important part of the overall design of a magazine page, as it provides the main information and content for the reader. In terms of page design, the body text is t

(29) It's about sending a MESS...anatomy of pAGE design!!

    Can we fix it? No...oh well I wasn't expecting that, oh, wait this isn't Bob, wait WHO ARE YOU?! There can't be two... OH, uhm, hey guys welcome back to a new blog! Today we are going to be discussing the anatomy of page design, which shouldn't be too difficult if you've been reading my have been reading all my blogs right?! RIGHT?! Did I scare you? No? Your ears just hurt, alright that's fair. In all seriousness the terms for anatomy of page design that I will be covering are going be those of the elements that make up the layout of page design. If you are unfamiliar those elements/terms would be the headline, subheading, body text, images, and graphics. All of these terms contribute to the anatomy of page design and as such it would be wise we go over them and understand them more in depth. I will divide my explanation of these terms in two separate blogs, for this blog I will cover a bit about page layout, headlines, and subheadings. Let us be

(28) WHAT DO I LOOK LIKE? A MACHINE? "Yeah lol"...Magazine Layout

If you know you know, AYYYY. Yeah he gets it. Anyways today we are going to be talking in depth about Magazine Layout, now there are several types of magazine layouts, today I will be discussing the main ones, that being Grid-based layouts, Asymmetrical layouts, and Hierarchical layouts. So this should be a quick little yummy tasty bite-sized blog...yeah you like all those adjectives, yeah you do. Alright let's being! Grid-Based Layout: Grid-based layouts are structured around a series of vertical and horizontal lines that help to organize the content of the magazine. This type of layout is often used in magazines that have a lot of text and images, as it helps to create a balanced and organized look. Asymmetrical Layout: Asymmetrical layouts, on the other hand, do not use a grid and instead rely on the placement of elements to create visual interest. This type of layout is often used in magazines that have more complex or varied content, as it allows for more flexibility in the pl

(27) As if I'd lie to you, here...Magazine Layout 2!!

  You that I think back on it, I've been trolling everyone in my life at least once since I was in kindergarten. Well I suppose I'll just have to take solace in the quote by Aristotle, "No great mind ever existed without a touch of madness." Anyways that's enough lore about me, let's move to the meat of the matter, TODAY we are going to be reviewing the last 3 important terms I wanted to discuss in Magazine Content. So this will be a short blog for the most part, I do hope you enjoy, but to recap the 3 remaining terms are: illustrations, ads, and columns. Let us begin! Illustrations: Illustrations are visual representations that are used to enhance the content of a magazine. They can take many forms, such as drawings, photographs, or graphics, and are often used to help readers better understand complex concepts or to add visual interest to a piece of text.  In magazines, illustrations are often used to break up large blocks of text and make the con