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(16) Preliminary Task: Double Page Spread Explanation


Hey guys, so today I'm gonna explain my double page spread, how I designed it, what I was thinking, and of course the problems I ran into making it. I believe this is practice for when I do the real deal, so it's probably not official, just a rough draft. Take a look at it again-

Alright so my goal here was to make it look like a double page spread and what that basically is to me is an idea being conveyed through the use of two pages, I hope I made it very clear, I put ideas of one page on to the other and vice versa, you can see the spine of the page being halved to convey it's one idea. In the second page it asks what the "best programming language?" and it lists opinions like c++, ruby, javascript, and so on that can be seen on both pages to show they are one. You can see me making thoughtful and amused facial expressions on both pages as well. My main thought process in this double page spread was to show that they are one and share the same ideas and style, I believe I did this effectively using all original media produced and written by me. As for my choice in coloring I based it off my cover page to make it similar in style since I think it's an eye catching and engaging design style. Here is a picture of my cover page in case you forgot-

Yeah you know you love it, haha just kidding, but really I tried my best, it's hard to get awesome content for a cool high tech type magazine when you got to make it based off your own original media haha. I think I did a good job though, tell me if you like it, it's supposed to be a rough draft. But you can guess the problems I ran into making my double page spread, and that is trying to make it look visually engaging with limited original content.

Anyways, Thanks for Reading!!

Title Picture made using Canva


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